Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January Review and February Goals

Today is February 1. Time to check in on some of my goals for the month and the year. 

January Goals:

Run 40 miles ( I ran 40.5! WOO!)
Strength 1x a week (yea this didn't really happen - but it will in Feb!)
yoga 1x a week ( not actual yoga, but I spent 15ish mins 4 or 5 days a week stretching- thats something)

2011 Goals

  • Run a 5k and PR in it (running one on 2/13!! EEK)
  • Run my first 10k
  • Run my first 10 miler ( signed up and currently training)
  • Run another half marathon and PR
  • Run outside more 
  • Do yoga 1x a week 
  • Get over my fear and try a Zumba class (Going with a friend this Thursday!!! EEEEK)
  • Do some form of strength work 1x a week ( see above)
  • Run 1000 miles this year (957.5 to go!!)
  • Take vitamins daily (I have been doing better with this, probably take it 75% of the time)
  • Drink water at restaurants (Probably 90% of the time! I ordered a diet rootbeer once that was exciting!)
  • 1 vegetable and 1 fruit with dinner daily (doing a good job adding fruits and veggies into my meals)
  • Healthier snacking (meh - but a lot of the Christmas candy is gone so that is good!)
  • Only drinking diet soda ( which means I won't order soda out at restaurants because I only like diet sunkist , diet mt dew and diet A&W rootbeer) (we only buy diet so i only drink it!)
  • Fold the clothes the day I wash them (or if I put them in the dryer before I go to bed - right away the next day) and put them away (started strong - then I let 2 loads sit for 3 days)
  • Clean up dinner dishes before bed (been trying to do this, unfortunately things have been  working out so that I run the DW as I make dinner, so I have to wait to load it the next day after work. 
  • Eat dinner at dinner table (which means keeping it free of clutter!!) (EH - it has its days)
  • Keep the clutter under control! No more piles! ( I think it is better than it used to be - still a little cluttered. Luckily I went through and got rid of a ton of stuff on Jan 1.)
  • Read every night before bed (doing ok but not every night - see below)
  • Go to sleep earlier (yea, no.Fail.)
  • Read at least 15 books from my list (still working on 1984 - switched to audio book and listen to it home from work everyday. Starting a new one soon)

  • February Goals
  • PR my 5k
  • Run 60 miles
  • Run with music more days than with tv.
  • Strength training at least 1 x a week.
  • Pack a healthy lunch everyday ( I typically take a lunch, but sometimes I scramble and take crap)

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