Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today I slept in- late, really late - because I could. :-D

I got up and played around on the computer (making this blog) and did some crafts for work. Then I went for my run. I am really enjoying 90% of my runs!

Today was also weigh in day- I have officially lost 10 lbs. I can't really see it, but I can tell my clothes fit differently. So much more to go.

Some weekends I have trouble drinking all my water - it isn't because I am drinking soda - I don't really know why it happens. Probably because I am just lazier on weekend.

I have done well so far with the rules - but I haven't left the apartment other than to go to the gym.

1- No fast food - I ate pretty healthy today- and only snack was a 100 cal pack rice krispie treat.
2- no alcohol
3- its 9 now - so I promise I wont eat again
4- I ran my 1.75 miles walked 5 mins and ran another mile. It felt good and I enjoyed it!
5- no soda
6- 1.5 nalgenes... I will get another 1.5 down - promise.
7- I got 10 hours sleep last night.... 10. WOW.

Tomorrows run is - 2 miles walk 5 min run 1 mile. Shew! I can't believe 6 weeks ago I was only running 1 mile and then another half mile. :-D 13 miles still seems very far away though.

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